domingo, julho 16, 2006
O mercado de trabalho mudou: você não vai se aposentar neste seu emprego
Ótimo artigo de Pamela Slim encorajando as pessoas a pensarem mais em si mesmas e adquirirem autoconfiança para conquistar o seu próprio futuro.
Those that plan on lifetime security from a job are in for a rude awakening. The sooner you get clear on alternatives and options for generating income outside of your job, the more secure you will be.A segurança no emprego não existe mais, este conceito era da geração passada. Hoje você tem que aprender a cuidar de si mesmo.
Nowadays, a job with a large corporation is like marrying a spouse with
a long track record of a wandering eye, bankruptcies and many failed
marriages. You never know when he will eye the younger/fitter/more
charming secretary and leave you broke and bitter. The problem is, you
know this going into the relationship and still believe that with your
hard work and love, he will change his cheating ways.
Crimeny, people, the writing is on the wall ... don't try to change your employer, change yourself!