quinta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2006


Crie idéias para poder empreender

O primeiro passo para empreender é ter boas idéias do que fazer. Anote cada idéia louca em algum bloco de notas, é bem possível que seu negócio lucrativo será uma idéia que você teve no passado que de repente começou a fazer sentido.
You can start, today, by taking an hour and starting to write down (or type down) your thoughts about what you want to do and when you'd want to do it. When I think about a new business (I am currently contemplating 4 new businesses in the next 6-18 months), you really need a constant stream of ideas. These ideas come to me non-stop, almost 12 hours a day. Sometimes they're stupid ideas, sometimes they're big lightbulbs going off, but they're always productive in the long run. My most profitable business experiences have been from taking a crazy idea from a year earlier and putting it into action once I realized there was a market for that crazy idea.

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