sexta-feira, junho 23, 2006


Seu trabalho e sua vida: você gosta de seu trabalho?

Artigo interessante de Matt Inglot que tenta encorajar as pessoas a tomarem o controle de sua vida de forma que a tornem cheia de sentido e satisfação.

Ele comenta que não é fácil descobrir o que pode satisfazer você, mas que se você não tentar não vai descobrir.

Work is the majority of life and the work you choose to do should
satisfy both your monetary and mental needs. The great people in
history made their accomplishments by pursuing that which they were
passionate about.
Finding your calling and setting out to accomplish it is a process that takes time, and frankly I doubt it ever ends.
For starters you might not necessarily have a very good grasp of what
work you wish to do. More likely you have a collection of talents and
interests that you are aware of, and perhaps some combination of these
can be used to create something that you are willing to dedicate your
life too.
I dare you to do one thing every day for the next 30 days to help point
yourself towards a new and satisfying direction in life...

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